domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017

Wheel of hope mandala


Round 1: 

Start by making a magic loop, ch 3, 14 dc {tr} in loop, join with sl st to top of ch 3. (15 sts)

Round 1 Finished
Round 1 Complete

Round 2:

Ch 4 (counts as dc {tr} + ch 1), dc {tr} + ch 1, in each st around, join with a slip st to top of ch 3.  (15 dc {tr}, 15 ch)

**In any st, make a standing dc {tr}, ch 1, (dc {tr}, ch 1) in each st around, join with slip st to 1st dc {tr}. (15 dc {tr}, 15 ch)**

Round 2 Finished
Round 2 complete

Round 3:

Sl st to ch sp, ch 1, *2 hdc {htr} in ch sp, hdc {htr} in next st*, repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch to 1st hdc {htr} made. (45 hdc {htr} sts)

** In any ch-1 sp, make a standing hdc {htr}, hdc {htr} in same sp, hdc {htr} in next st, *2 hdc {htr} in next ch sp, hdc {htr} in next st*, repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch to 1st hdc {htr} made. (45 hdc {htr} sts) **

Round 3 Finished
Round 3 Complete

Round 4:

Ch 5 (counts as dc {tr} + ch 2), dc {tr} in same st, sk 2 sts, *[dc {tr}, ch 2, dc {tr}] in next st, sk 2 sts*, repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch to 3rd ch. (30 dc {tr}, 30 ch)

** In any 1st hdc {htr} of 2 hdc {htr}, make a standing dc {tr}, ch 2, dc {tr}, in same sp, sk 2 sts, *[dc {tr}, ch 2, dc {tr}] in next st, sk 2 sts*, repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch to 1st hdc (htr) made. (30 dc {tr}, 30 ch) **

Round 4 Finished
Round 4 Complete

Round 5:

Sl st to ch sp, ch 3 (counts as dc {tr}), 4 dc (tr) in same sp, 5 dc, (tr) in each ch-2 sp around, join with slip stitch to top of ch 3. (75 dc {tr})

** In any ch-2 sp, make a standing dc (tr), 5 dc (tr) in each ch- 2 sp around, join with slip stitch to 1st dc (tr) made. (75 dc {tr}) **

Round 5 Finished
Round 5 Complete

Round 6:

Ch 4 (counts as dc {tr} + ch 1, sk st, *dc {tr}, ch 1, sk st, dc {tr} in next 2 sts, ch 1, sk st*, repeat from * to * around, dc {tr} in next st, ch 1, sk st, join with slip stitch to 3rd ch. (45 dc {tr}, 30 ch)

** In any 1st dc {tr} of 5 dc {tr} grouping from previous round, make a standing dc {tr}, ch 1, sk st, [dc {tr} in next st, ch 1, sk st, dc {tr} in next 2 sts, ch 1, sk st] repeat around, dc {tr} in next st, ch 1, sk st, join with slip stitch to 1st dc {tr} made. (45 dc [tr} 30 ch) **

Round 6 Finished
Round 6 Complete

Round 7:

Ch 1, sc {dc} in same st, [2 sc {dc} in next ch sp, sc {dc} in next st, 2 sc {dc} in next ch sp, sc {dc} in next 2 sts] repeat around, sc {dc} in last st, join with slip stitch to 1st sc {dc} made. (105 sc {dc})

** In any individual dc {tr} from round 6, make a standing sc {dc}, [2 sc {dc} in next ch sp, sc {dc} in next 2 sts, 2 sc {dc} in next ch sp, sc {dc} in next st] repeat around, omit last sc {dc} join with slip stitch to 1st sc {dc} made. (105 sc {dc}) **

Round 7 Finished
Round 7 Complete

Round 8:

Ch 3, dc {tr} in next 2 sts, fpdc {fptr} around dc {tr} from round 6 (see stitches for step by step explanation),*sk st, dc {tr} in the next 6 sts, fpdc {fptr}* repeat around, dc {tr} in the next 3 sts, join with sl st to top of ch 3. (90 dc {tr} 15 fpdc {fptr} sts)

**Around any individual dc {tr} from previous round, make a standing fpdc {fptr}, sk st behind fpdc {fptr} just made, dc {tr} in next 6 sts, [fpdc {fptr} around next st, sk st, dc {tr} in next 6 sts] repeat around, join with slip stitch to 1st fpdc {fptr}. (90 dc {tr} 15 fpdc {fptr}) **

Round 8 Finished
Round 8 Complete

Round 9:

Ch 5 (counts as dc {tr} + ch 2), dc {tr} in same st, sk 2 sts, *[dc {tr} ch 2, dc {tr}] in next st, sk 2 sts*, repeat around, join with slip stitch to 3rd ch (70 dc {tr} 70 ch)

** In any fpdc {fptr}, make a standing dc {tr}, ch 2, dc {tr} in same st, sk 2 sts, *[dc {tr}, ch 2, dc {tr}] in next next, sk 2 sts*, repeat around, join with slip stitch to 1st dc {tr} (70 dc {tr}, 70 ch). **

Round 9 Finished
Round 9 Complete

Round 10:

Ch 1, *3 hdc {htr} in ch-2 sp, fpdc {fptr} around next 2 sts* from round 9 (see photo below for placement), repeat around and join with sl st to first hdc {htr}. (105 hdc {htr} 35 fpdc {fptr} sts)

** In any ch-2 sp, make a standing hdc {htr}, 2 hdc {htr} in same sp, fpdc {fptr} around next 2 sts from prev round, *3 hdc {htr} in next ch-2 sp, fpdc {fptr} around next 2 sts from prev round*, repeat from * to * around, join with slip stitch to 1st hdc {htr} made. (105 hdc {htr} 35 fpdc {fptr} sts)

Round 10 Finished
Round 10 Complete
Front double crochet placement
Fpdc {fptr} around next 2 sts

Round 11:

Sl st 3 to top of fpdc {fptr} made in previous round, ch 1, sc {dc} in same sp, *ch 4, sk 3 sts, sc {dc} in top of fpdc {fptr}*, repeat around, ch 4, join with sl st to sc {dc}. (35 x ch-4 sps, 35 sc {dc})

** In any fpdc {fptr} from previous round, make a standing sc {dc}, ch 4, *sk 3 sts, sc in next st (fpdc {fptr}) ch 4*, repeat around, join with slip stitch to 1st sc {dc} made.(35 x ch-4 sps, 35 sc {dc}) **

Round 11 Finished
Round 11 Complete

Round 12:

Ch 1, 2 sc {dc} in ch-4 sp, picot (ch 4, sl st to 1st ch), 2 sc {dc} in same sp, *2 sc {dc} in next ch-4 sp, picot (ch 4, sl st to 1st ch), 2 sc {dc} in same sp*, repeat around, join with sl st to first sc {dc} made. (140 sc {dc}, 35 picot sts)

** In any ch-4 sp, make a standing sc {dc} sc in same sp, picot, 2 sc {dc} in same sp, *2 sc {dc} in next ch-4 sp, picot, 2 sc {dc} in same sp*, repeat around, join with slip stitch to 1st sc {dc} made. (140 sc {dc}, 35 picot sts) **

Round 12 Complete

And ta daa it’s finished.


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