sábado, 27 de julio de 2019

Tequila sunrise mandala


Se puede hacer hasta la vuelta 6 para poner sobre CD


V-stitch – DC, ch2, DC
Treble Stitch – yarn over hook 2 times, insert in next stitch, draw up a loop (4 loops on hook), yarn
over and draw through the first two loops, yarn over and draw through the next two loops, yarn
over and draw through the final two loops – one loop should be left on your hook
Double Treble Stitch – yarn over hook 3 times, insert in next stitch and draw up a loop (5 loops on
hook), yarn over and draw through the first two loops, yarn over and draw through the next two
loops, yarn over and draw through the next two lops, yarn over and draw through the final two
loops – one loop should be left on your hook
Small shell – 6DC into the indicated stitch
Large shell – 9 double trebles into the indicated stitch
Cluster – work the first part of a DC (= yarn over , draw up a loop, yarn over draw through the first
two loops – 2 loops left on hook),into the indicated stitch, repeat in the next three indicated stitches
– 5 loops on hook, yarn over and draw through all five loops.


For starting rows, you may use a chain to the appropriate height of the stitch, or you may use a
standing stitch. I used the standing stitch method except for the very first round.
If you use chains to start a row, DC is 3ch and counts as a stitch, Treble is 4ch and Double Treble is
Each round is tied off and each row is started by joining new yarn – colour distribution is at your own
discretion, however, I used the same colour for two rows at a time, over rows 5 and 6, rows 7 and 8,
and rows 9 and 10 for my first one.


Round 1: Starting with a magic circle, chain 4 (counts as a treble) work 15 more trebles. Join into the
fourth chain

Round 2: Start working at any point in the space BETWEEN the stitches of round 1, 1DC, ch2 in each
space around. Join to the top of the first DC (or equivalent chain)(48) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 3: Starting in any 2ch sp, work 2SC in each space, and 1SC into each DC of round 2. Slip stitch
into the first SC. (48) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 4: Counting the SC worked into the DC in the previous round as the third stitch, work 1 Vstitch
into the first SC of each repeat (it will look like the bottom of the V is directly above the DC of
round 2), join with a slip stitch into the first DC of the first V-stitch. (64) (16 Vstitches)
(cut and tie yarn)

Round 5: Starting at any V stitch in round 4, in the first DC of each V-stitch, work 3 trebles, ch2 slip
stitch into the top of the first treble (or the fourth chain) (80) (16 repeats) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 6: Starting in any chain space - SC in the chain space, work small shell in the middle treble of
each triplet from round 5 (112), end with a slip stitch into the first SC. (16 shells, 16 sc) (cut and tie


Round 7: Start in any SC. In each SC from round 6, work 4DC, chain 1. Work 1SC in 4th DC of the shell
in round 6, chain 1. Finish round with slip stitch into the top of the first DC. (112) (DO NOT cut and
tie yarn)

Round 8: Continuing from round 7, ch2 (counts as the first partial DC), work the first part of a DC in
the next three stitches as described in the cluster stitch above. Yarn over and draw through all four
loops. *CH10, skip the SC, work a cluster in the next four DC from round 7, repeat from * CH10, join
with slip stitch into the “eye” above the first cluster. (16 clusters, 16 ch10 loops) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 9: SC2 in any chain loop, ch3, work 1 treble in the top of the cluster, ch3. *3SC in loop from
round 8, ch3, 1treble in top of cluster from round 8, ch3. Repeat from * until you return to the
starting chain loop and work 1SC, and sl st in the first worked SC to join round. (16 trebles, 48 SC,
96CH) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 10: SC in second SC of any repeat in round 9. *Work 1 large shell in treble from round 9. SC in
next SC.** Repeat from * to ** until you return to the first SC – join with slip stitch. (16 large shells,
16 SC) (cut and tie yarn)

Round 11: Choosing any shell, start working *1SC in the second DC of the shell. Work two more,
then in the next (peak) work 2SC, work 1SC in the next 4 stitches. Decrease: draw up a loop in the
next two stitches, yarn over hook and draw through all three loops. **Repeat from * to ** until you
return to the first SC – slip stitch to join.


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